It’s That time to dress to impress, New Year New Look.
We all start the year with many new year’s resolutions with the likes of going to the gym, running and eating more healthy. We all know that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and never to judge a book by it’s cover but we still do, so why not dress to impress and show the world that you feel good inside and out. Working from Home over the last couple of years has unfortunately created a step back for the fashion world, with not so many people going out to the office or work environment and then also not participating in those team bonding drinks after hours. A large portion of society have lost their way and got used to sweat pants, joggers or even shorts with a smarter shirt or a dress top for those all important zoom meetings, but lets be honest this is no look that we want to continue. So hopefully we can all start going back to the offices this year with little more style and substance, and go to events and pubs/bars/restaurants looking the part. If you look good, you feel good.
The beginning of the year will always be cold so our advice would be to dress smart but have a nice Jacket with a wool blend as this will keep you warm and protect you from most of the elements along with looking great. Our Combat donkey jackets are world famous and we have produced them for 60 years, with the classic plain wool Donkey Jacket and the classic PVC shoulder Donkey Jacket have been a traditional garment for decades. Our new addition to this classic range is a Leather Nubuck shoulder Donkey, that has unique Nubuck trimmings that compliment the jacket and take it to the next level. Wearing this will almost certainly get compliments of how great you look and what a wonderful jacket. We have also created a warm and stylish Melton Wool Harrington which is a classic jacket with a twist. The Combat Melton Harrington jacket is a great choice to keep the stylish look of a Harrington jacket while keeping you nice and warm throughout the winter months. The Melton fabric is made up from 70% wool so not only is it nice and warm it is naturally water resistant too.
Combat Donkey jackets, Plain, PVC, Nubuck
There is not many feelings that beat wearing a new pair of crisp shoes, to set and finish your outfit for that feel good factor. A great start would be to get a nice pair of Roamers desert boots which range from £25-£35 from us. All leather, all suede, slip on, 2 eye lace up, 3 eye lace up, square toe, round toe, pointy toe, we have it all.
Get the look this year with these bad boys…. START THE YEAR AS YOU MEAN TO GO ON!