

With nearly 6 decades of supplying clothing and outdoor gear for all generations, we know that this time is always a tuff ask for all parents across the world, so we thought why not pass on a little of that knowledge and advice for the dreaded school rush….
Schools will now almost certainly provide their own specific checklists providing you with particular items required for the students, including clothing which we HERE @ BEN NEVIS CLOTHING will have you covered and stationary which we would recommend staying local and shop @ Morgan’s stationary in Kentish Town, to help with the essentials such as pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers, calculators, note books and folders.
This process can be very long winded and overwhelming, so firstly we would say KEEP IT SIMPLE. well at least in the beginning term, as children/teenagers can change their minds like the wind, also children/teenagers can be notoriously forgetful when they start new routines, they have a tendency to leave things or miss place them so again KEEP IT SIMPLE. Once they meet up with their friends often their opinions and preferences change, so stick to more plain and simple items. Then once they have formed their opinions and even better when the weather changes you can purchase the more winter based items to see them through hopefully the rest of the year.
We have created a simple back to school list that will never go out of fashion, and would be ideal for school activities, that will keep the children/teenagers comfortable, potentially dry, warm and happy to participate in the schools learning programs.
- Plain Polos
- Plain T-Shirts
- Plain Sweats
- Plain shoes / Boots
- Plain Jackets
- Waterproof Jackets
- Waterproof walking footwear
- Trainers
- Rucksacks
- Water bottles / flasks
- Plain Cap
- Plain beanie Hats
- Plain Gloves
- Scarfs
In this new time of COVID and other possible viruses we would also recommend items such as hand sanitizer and face masks if the children/teenager is over a certain age to understand the nature of being clean and safe.
Remember KEEP IT SIMPLE and we are here to advise and help everyone that wants to gain more knowledge on clothing, no need to stress, enjoy the word and meaning of school again : )